Jim...The sharing of information keeps us all on an EVEN playing field. It prevents exactly what you described. We have become a hard group to please these days. When Casinos allow one collector to make a large purchase & gouge us all we complain (ie Silver Dollar). When the casino limits our purchases we complain(ie Main St & Trop AC).What's the happy medium? I've been fortunate enough (so far) to have the means to support my habit(hobby). All of us are not as fortunate & if someone sells chips to support his habit(hobby). I respect that. I would also rather spend the $8 than wait around a casino for days for a chip release. I have posted information on the Prodigy BB & this BB both for trading purposes & general information. When I trade with new collectors, I don't always need what I'm trading for. I try to accomodate as much as I can to keep them interested in the hobby. I learned that from Don Anthony & Mike Knapp. Just as I've learned many things from you Gene & others.
I respect your opinions & great deal of what you say the hobby can benefit from. Glad your clarification explained things.