Dear "Money hungry,grabbing" piece of garbage,
Most individuals are proud of what they write and sign their name. Obviously, you lack the guts to take responsibility for the "crap" you post.
I know where to find your type - look in any trash can!!!
Don't tell me about Capitalism - Capitalism isn't ripping your fellow collector off. Sure you keep "their" collections moving forward - at an inflated price.
I don't "run" with your kind. I wouldn't even want to be associated or seen with your kind. All the dealers I call friends are good people. They sell chips to collectors at a fair price. LE's at $7.50 or $8.00 dollars. Table chips at a few dollars over face. They don't hold up collectors because a joint closed.
I don't have a clue where I will see you Saturday since I don't even know who you are. Obviously you must be talking about the Bells Mall show and/or The baseball card show at Sam's Town. Neither of which I plan to attend. Why not just sign your name "Mr. Dealer" and let ALL of us here know who you are??? I bet you won't do that - for the same reason you will be charging $100.00 for the $25.00 Spacequest chip.
If I don't like what I see - I will speak out. If this upsets YOU so be it. I am sure as the "quick" profit disappears from our hobby, you will go back into the woodwork like you did with baseball cards until something else comes along to make a buck at.
Don't give me this crap about how much you care. You don't care enough to sign your real name. Those who read this board should get a good look into your character by that type of behavior. All you care about is the almighty dollar. Best - Not for you.