Silly me ,I thought the point of these bbs was to exchange ideas and information .
The idea of sharing information is going to enable some one to go into a closing casino or one about to change racks and buy them up is crazy. If people are told then everyone would have the chance to go get these chips.
I know the story is different with LE's but if we are not exchanging information, what is the use of the clubs and all these sights on the internet.
I live in connecticut and have found out about all the new relases from the 2 Ct casinos from Greg's fantastic sight(Greg deserves more credit for advancing this hobby than anyone else I can think of). This allowed me to travel down there to get a few chips for myself and extras to trade at the convention.
Living in CT ,I depend on secondary dealers for all my new issues from Nevada,New Jersey and elsewhere. These people stand inline for me to get the chips I want. So not only to I think they should make some money off it I want them too.
A great example of this is Bob Mera. I am in his new issue service and recieved my 2 caesars $5 fight chips. Bob could have horded these chips and made huge money ,but he took his smaller profit and sent them out to his subscibers.
Well as an end I thank all you dealers out there for the chance at some chips that I would never else have the chance at. I can't wait to shop at the convention. Brad