So you don't like being ripped off?? I have to agree. The lodge has done that
to the Colorado collector. Those of us that were there on opening day felt that
wiser thoughts would prevail and that refunds would be available.
Gaming said that they had no control over the issue. Management said they were
told the holders made them more valuable, and look they are selling well.
The supplier of the holders told me he never said that ALL collectors wanted
the chips in holders or that the holders made the chips more valuable.
Cage personel offered suggestions--"They are like Beanie Babys, they only get more valuable", "Why doesn't the Lodge have the right to get more, you will",
"What do you mean too much, you must not be much of a collector."
What's $69 to a casino? Good will? After all gambling is not a business where every one wins. I collect Colorado, I bought one set, it sucks.