I have put some thought into this subject, after reading the thread on it.
Chippers want chips.
Casinos have desided to make chips for chippers.
This is a big change from a few years ago and of course it is money driven.
Too many? - large denominations?
This can be considered greed by a chipper that feels he must have all chips.
Greg has solved this by getting scans of the ones he does not want to pay for.
I have solved this by being selective in my collecting.
If a certain $100 chip catches my eye, I get it, but not many do catch my eye.
Over face chips are a problem for the hobby. Only we as a whole can solve this one.
Speaking as a chipper, I would rather see today's casino's attitudes towards us, than those of just a few years ago.
Each chipper must make his own decission on what denominations to collect.
This post is not meant to start another long debate, just one man's opinion.