Gene, The slot card and its application to slots has destroyed the small & intimate feeling of Las Vegas. Jack changed the machines to accept slot cards - not change the pay tables. This "change" has created information that is not correct. That is all I will say about slots and slot cards. Comps in the older places even if they have slot cards are still given out if the floor people want too.
I never realized Binion had a percentage involving comps. Please be so kind as to tell me who told you that incorrect information.
Ms. Becky at this present time is not looking to sell the Horseshoe to anyone. This is another rumor that got started after the family fight started.
When the Horseshoe had not as yet purchased the Mint - you are correct, there was no poker room. Reason - no space. When the Mint was purchased the first change was the installation a of a poker room, The poker room has moved three time since however there was no plans of making it smaller.
Why did you say I was yelling? This statement makes no sense.
Poker is not being discontinued. As soon as the "suits" discover the management mistakes they are making - Poker will be back as strong as ever. Watch for the poker room at the Rio to reopen within the next six months. Mr. "BIG" doesn't want to loose his 5 star rating. As you know, or should know,<G> a poker room is necessary for a 5 star rating.
The passing of the torch at the Horseshoe is not only an end to a glorious era; but the death of downtown Las Vegas! Best, Jim