Rene, While it might be tiresome to you, it isn't for some of us. When I went to you web site, as I think some others did, your fantasy chip section was misleading. It said that the "James Bond" chips were used as movie props, when you know as well as I, that you can buy them at the Paul-Son store for $.65 each! I have no right to tell you what price to sell your chips for, nor do I have the right to tell you what to do on your web site. I am just kindly asking you to describe the chips in question correctly & not mislead anybody into thinking that they were used in a movie. I think "it's kinda cool" to collect chips too, but I have a right to know what I am buying. If you want to sell your chips for $25 a set or $100 a set, & people around the world want to buy them, you have made a very healthy profit, which I can't fault you for. Please, just describe them accurately & don't engage in what appears to be false advertising, IMHO. Thanks for listening.