Here are two examples of Indian casinos reordering fractional chips and getting something that looks quite a bit different from the original.
The Mohican North Star "Turkey chip" was originally a Chipco with the 'textured surface" that Chipco used on their early production. The reorder (also from Chipco) is in the new "smooth finish" and has entirely new artwork on both sides. Possibly the lack of texture required better art? The other side is different as well. This casino is in Bowler, WI.
The Sac & Fox 50c was also originally a Chipco product, but of the smooth finish type. The reorder went to Paul-son and has real green inserets in place of the artificial white "inserts" on the Chipco. The design follows the same basic idea but is significantly different.
As I collect these non-hotstamp fractionals, I'd be interested in hearing of other instances where a variety is created when the casino reorders chips. Because they aren't really announced, and some look superficially the same, these sometimes escape even Janice O'Neal's eagle eye <g>.
I have no extras of these chips, but the new versions are available from Robert Cook of Wilcox Enterprises, who advertises in Gaming Times.