Hi Jim:
Don't forget Ralph Branca and Preacher Roe ( 1 lifetime HR). This will really make you drool. I have an autographed baseball from the 1947 Dodgers. My father knew the annoucer at the stadium, Tex Rikets, and we went into the dugout after the game to get the ball autographer. They did that for nothing in those days.
Also remember the Dodger Sym Phony and Gladys Gooding at the organ. Sign in right field: Hit this sign; win a suit - Abe Stark. Hot roasted nut; actually keeping score on the scorecard you bought at the game; walking across the field after the game to go out the centerfield Bedford Ave. exit; catching, and keeping fould balls during batting practice; I could go on and on. This is almost as much fun a chipping.
The one or two chippers that are not from brooklyn; I guess we'll let you continue to collect.
Dis tread is foist rate!! Keep it up.