Greg, Being from Kansas, you probably don't understand the mentality of we who were born & raised in New York. I think we were all hustlers at one time or another which helped us survive in the cruel, harsh city. You only had to contend with TOTO pooping in your front yard. We older guys had to put up with a lot. We feared for our lives every time we went on the subway, fought off muggers, & had no toys as a kid. I recall, I kid you not, asking my father for a bike one year. He flew into a rage!!! He sent me to the local fruit market to pick up a wooden box that fruit was sold in, got a 2 by 4 from a local shopkeeper, & then took apart my skates & nailed each half to the 2 by 4. He nailed cans that were not sent to the war effort, & these served as my headlights. It's like the ones you see on the "Our Gang" shows. I even had a small hat with a propeller on it. My pet was an alley cat & the neighborhood stray dog. Life was tough, but we managed to survive into adulthood. Would I want to do it again, YOU BET (which was the name of a chocolate syrup that you used to make egg creams). What's an egg cream? That's an entire other long thread. When I moved to Salt Lake City, to complete my graduate studies, a person said hello to me while my wife & kids were shopping downtown. I decked him thinking that he was going to rip me off!!! As you know, I have mellowed a great deal through the years. :-)>
Bob just rambling before I have to face my first patient who I think saw Bo Po this weekend.
BTW, I bought McDonald's stock as a new issue.