Hi John; Thanks for your kind words of encouragement. I was planning on you taking ten of the fifty copies John. <vbg>! No, I don't take claim to the world's biggest collection of PR casino chips.... that honor goes to Mr. Al Rollins of San Juan, who by the way will be undergoing serious surgery in New York City next month. Spoke to Al yesterday and he indicated that he may not be able to attend the convention in August, where he has already purchased a table. I hope that Al's operation is a successful one and that he will bounce back real quickly.
As for Archilla-Diez' book published in 1990; do you know where can I still purchase a copy? I should probably use that as a good starting point. I understand that his collection has been sold and lots of chips have been discovered since 1990... and lots more new chips have since been issued.
Regards, Archie