Well, it's all a question of how bad you want to see all the listings of items that might be of interst. If you only search for casino, you will only see lots where the lister put the word CASINO in the subject. I always use CASINO when I post a lot, but some of the most interesting lots are those put up by those not in the casino-collecting community. That's why I look for the other words as well. I usually get 800-900 hits with the string I listed.
You should note that including the words VEGAS and RENO does not limit the search to lots with those words... it EXPANDS the search to look for lots with those words that may not use the others in the string (CASINO, GAMBLING, etc.). It's an OR not an AND.
If you don't want to construct a search string, rather that search for CASINO, you might want to just go to the new subcategory CASINO and browse everything there. Some sellers, now that we have our own category don't bother to put CASINO in the subject anymore, and you'd miss them with a simple CASINO search.