Hi Gene & Amy, and others as well. An alternative to the safety deposit box, and if you have the room for it, is to purchase a large safe. A.C. Chapter President Dick Brach convinced me to get one. That way, one has the best of both worlds. Peace of mind, and the collection is at your fingertips without having to go to the bank vault. I bought a brand new one (Liberty model) about a year ago at a local sports/gun store. You can customize the interior anyway you want. You don't have to purchase the racks that hold rifles or shotguns, they also come with carpeted adjustable thick shelving to support a lot of weight. Many of them have various fire rating protections as well. Mine ran about $1000, but well worth it. It may not thwart theft by professionals, but as Gene mentioned, he knew the people that broke into his home four times. An alarm system is also good advice and well worth the investment. Archie