Hello, I've been reading over most responses about those "James Bond" chips and then late this evening I came across another Ebay you all may be interested in. This auction of 6 Authentic/Certified Chips like you're talking about are going for $34.00. The seller is from CT. forgot to write down his email address and his auction ends in a few hours (6/9 at 03:39), but it may still be showing for awhile.
So go to Ebay # 16076095 and check it out. The pictures look exactly like the chips I've seen that are fake. That person says they are Not Fake..So are Some the Real thing?? Someone bid and will be paying $34.00.
Just thought I would mention this. I would of asked my son, James about them, but he is out - running around Vegas! Don't think he is looking for any of
those chips though!!!