Are you still interested? Several of us have been slammed against the wall tonight trying to give what we thought was helpful advice when you asked for some tips on collecting roulettes. Most of the membership (i'd bet it's about 80%) feel very comfortable collecting roulettes and not a one of us try to convince any non-collector of roulettes in doing so, but we do advise to the best of our ability when asked for such advice. We never thought it was stealing and we never will.
Have you received the help you requested, Sheldon? If you do wish to let us know, I would like to suggest that we all drop this topic as soon as possible, as we are getting nowhere. It's obvious that collecting roulettes is a very sensitive subject, but as a group and a club, we have more constructive matters to see to.
With this being the eve of our 10th-Anniversary Celebration, I ask that we stop now, as there is no need to continue here or anywhere else. Please.
John Benedict, R-388