The Atlantic City chapter held its bi-monthly meeting Sunday, May 17., and was attended by approximately 100 people. After a two hour period of chip trading, the auction hosted by Bruce Landau included a wide variety of items. George Davis had designed t-shirts for the chapter, and those were offered for sale. The front of the shirt shows scans of nine different Atlantic City chips.
Archie Black spoke about the convention, and advised how many rooms had already been booked at the Orleans for each night. Archie then spoke of a new
$10. chip to be released this summer at Harrah's in A.C. The chip will have the Harrah's logo on one side, and the other side will be "commercial", some sort
of Budweiser advertising, showing the Bud Ice penguin. Archie commented that he is very much opposed to this kind of chip, and said "What's next, a chip for Wonder Bread ?"
Chapter President Dick Brach announced a tentative date of Sunday, July 19 for the next meeting.