What happened to the BBC business is too many companies put out too many cards. They numbered in the Jillions. One player would be on several million cards. I do card shows at the Fiesta and they are jammed, by the way. At best a casino might put out 30,000 $1 chips. A casino like the Fiesta will issue app 15,000 $1. A far cry from millions. On top of that, they change them every couple of years. Obsoletes can only go up in value if the number of chippers doubles or triples. I am not saying Sams Club is selling them at a price a chipper will pay, but it will expose millions of people to our hobby. We need the exposure. Our hobby is diversified. You can collect riverboats, your friend Indian Reservations, and I can collect it all (as long as my money holds out.) This hobby needs to grow and it will. I truly believe Hy Grade is helping the hobby. By the way he is a chipper. Of course he is in it for the money, but he will help all of us.
This hobby was the biggest secret in the world until the early 90's and the Aladdin conventions. I have been collecting chips since 1961 and thought I was the only chipper in the world until the 1993 convention. I say let the world know. Things are happening in the hobby. Some good and some bad. chips like everything else will find thier own level. If you are a true chipper, you will still be looking for chips when the level arrives. If not, you can cash them in.