Jim, John, etc. You must understand that I cannot agree more that both Greg's board and the Chequers board have been an excellent addition to help many "chippers" communicate, and I give them my full support. Those gentlemen
are a great asset to all of us, and are certainly appreciated. So, please do not
confuse my posting as being anything but what it was meant to be.
But, not long ago there was a thread of comments on one of the two boards, perhaps on both, about the subject of private trade conversations and negotiations. And, the posted responses were UNANIMOUS in saying that after the posting of the initial offering of a chip or chips, then further trade talk between two people should be handled via private e-mail.
After all, until one clicks on the message and reads it, one does not know if the message contains something for everyone to read, or is just a reply to one party about a trade between them.